Senior Results 2017 ResultsFastest Time Mark Byrne CupSunday 4th JuneThe Mark Byrne Cup ResultsThe Mark Byrne Cup Fastest Times Bank of Ireland CupSunday 11th JuneThe Bank of Ireland CupThe Bank of Ireland Cup 2017 FT Humby Family CupSunday 18th JuneThe Humby Family Cup 2017The Humby Family Cup 2017 FT Ral Brien Memorial CupWednesday 21st JuneRal Brien Memorial Cup 2017Ral Brien Memorial Cup 2017 Result FT The Sean Kelly Memorial CupSunday 25th JuneSean Kelly Memorial Cup 2017Sean Kelly Memorial Cup 2017 FT AIB CupWednesday 28th JuneAIB Cup 2017AIB Cup 2017 FT The Phil Healy CupSunday 2nd JulyThe Phil Healy Cup 2017The Phil Healy Cup 2017 FT Across the Harbour sponsored by REA ForkinWednesday 5th JulyAcross The Harbour RaceAcross The Harbour Race FT The Town Council CupSunday 9th JulyTown Council CupTown Council Cup FT The Committee CupWednesday 12th Julythe-committee-cup-2017the-committee-cup-2017-ft Rocky Newsome Memorial CupSunday 16th Julyrocky-newsome-memorial-cup-2017rocky-newsome-memorial-cup-ft Irish Rubies CupTuesday 18th Julythe-irish-rubies-cup-2017the-irish-rubies-cup-ft The Smith Family CupWednesday 26th Julythe-smith-family-cup-2017the-smith-family-cup-ft The Masters VartrySaturday 29th Julythe-masters-vartry-2017the-masters-vartry-ft The Mick O'Reilly CupSunday 30th Julythe-mick-o-reilly-cup-2017the-mick-o-reilly-cup-ft Base 2 Race CupWednesday 2nd Augthe-base-2-race-cups-2017the-base-2-race-cups-ft The Aura TrophyWednesday 9th Augthe-aura-trophy-2017the-aura-trophy-ft Club VartrySaturday 12th Augclub-vartry-2017club-vartry-ft The Brennan CupSunday 13th Augthe-brennan-cup-2017the-brennan-cup-ft Around the HarbourWednesday 16th Augaround-the-harbouraround-the-harbour-ft The Black Castle Friday 18th Augthe-black-castle-race-2017the-black-castle-race-ft The Borgman Earls CupSunday 20th Augthe-borgman-earls-cup-2017the-borgman-earls-cup-ft The Kavanagh CupWednesday 23rd Augthe-kavanagh-cup-2017the-kavanagh-cup-ft The McAuley ShieldSunday 3rd Septthe-mcauley-shield-2017the-mcauley-shield-ft