All posts by wicklow_admin

Cardiac defibrillator training – 28th June at 18:50hrs in Flashpoint, Wicklow Enterprise Centre

Hi Everyone,

Our training event for the cardiac defibrillator is booked to take place this coming Thursday evening and we need to confirm the names of those members partaking.

Trainees should ideally be members who remain on the shore, i.e. spotters, safety crew and social members who are best placed to attend immediately in the event of a casualty being landed at the shore mid-race. However, if there are not sufficient numbers of shore-bound members willing to participate, the training will be offered to swimming members although the former is preferable.

We need 8 volunteers (maximum) who will put their names forward for the training and who will be around for the races during the summer. They do not specifically have to attend every race – rather we should ideally have one of our eight available at each race. A roster will be prepared in advance to suits people’s requirements.

The cost of the training will be borne by the club from fund-raising activities. It will take place at 18:50 sharp in Flashpoint Medical Ltd. in Wicklow Enterprise Centre this Thursday evening (28th June)

It is critically important that we maximise uptake of this training opportunity and I would urge as many as possible to register their interest so we can put together a comprehensive list of qualified responders to help ensure the continued safe swimming conditions for all our members.

Please email me at or confirm at the race this Wednesday evening.

Kind Regards

John McCall