All posts by wicklow_admin

Recent news – Early July 2012

Sunday the 1stof July

The first junior challenge of the year took place. Twenty very young swimmers took part in this race, which was 100 metres long. Congratulations to all who took part and especially to the winners first time around: 1st Harri Armstrong, 2nd Dylan O’Donovan, 3rd Kirsty Dunne, 4th Josh Griffen, 5th Dirrean Drennan, 6th Aoife Prendergast.

The youth section has been recently added for those moving toward Senior level and the second youths race of the year saw Callum Rae take first place, Aisling Garland was second and Isobel O’Grady 3rd , and fastest time Hanna Blake.

The Humby family (Vartry Garage) kindly sponsored the intermediates and the senior races today, with the results as follows:

–  Intermediates : 1st Rachel Millea, 2nd Ryan Corrigan, 3rd Alexandra Spenser and fastest time Oisin Nolan.

–  Seniors : 1st jules Paye, 2nd Catriona Carey, 3rd Owen O’Sullivan.

Wednesday the 4thof July:

The intermediates raced for the Kenny cup, which was a very exciting race with Padraig Cahill holding out to take 1st place, 2ndRhona Lennox and 3rd Luke Whyte.  Ninety six senior swimmers swam for the very popular Ral O’Brien cup. 1st Paul Fox, 2nd Shay Jameson and 3rd was Liam Whitty.

Next races on Sunday 15th of July :

–   11.00 Junior Sprints

–   11.30 Shannon May memorial cup- Intermediate

–   12 Noon the seniors race for the Rocky Newsome Memorial Cup

Good luck to all swimmers!!!                                                                                                              More news to follow……..Bip